Tips on reducing weight
Obesity is the father of all the reduce your tummy you must have proper diet first have a light breakfast with more of fruits and milk.verylittle suger lunch should be few chappaties and vegetables and butter milk small quantity of rice and dal.dinner should be a soup with salads and fruits. all these must be at reguler timings. avoid soda drinks as coke pepsi, fried food, nonveg maida bread butter paneer. very little ghee. no smoking and driking
apart from this 30 minutes of brisk walk ad one hour of pranayam and yoga and you will never fall sick
Okay here are mine!
~Avoid potatoe chips, fries, and McDonalds!
~Also avoid red meat, eat fish or chicken( not fried)
~Drink Green Tea!^^
~Don't drink soda, even if it is "diet." It conains artificial sweetners that make you gain weight! If you like it sweet, drink tea with honey!
~Exercise!!! Run or walk for 30 mins or more a day
~Get to bed early, it helps your metabolism charge
~Be positive, being happy burns lots of calories!
Out of these seven exerciser's which exercise shows the best results on toning up and weight lose?
1. Cardio
2. Yoga
3. Treadmill
4. Running
5. Crunches
6. Exercise tape
7. Other ( if other which exercise is it )
General Tips for reducing weight
on Thursday, June 19
Tips for Weight reducing
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