Here is a list of 12 foods which helps us to maintain that special sheen which looks like you just had a facial, but the important thing to remember is that these food should be taken on a regular basis.
Amla: Amla or the Indian gooseberry has the richest source of vitamin C. Amla promotes glow on skin and delays wrinkles or loosening of skin.
Almonds: Almonds apart from being a rich source of Vitamin E also has loads of antioxidants specially in its skin so while having almonds have it with skin.
Spinach: Spinach is loaded with Vitamins like A, K, B and the list goes on. Spinach apart from being good for overall health is also very good for our skin.
Blueberry and Strawberry: Blueberry and Strawberry have lot of antioxidants which are good for fighting free radicals.
Tomatoes: Tomatoes are very good for our skin, particularly if consumed as a sauce or paste. It helps from sun burn.
Flax Seed: Flax Seed has Omega 3 fatty acids which is very important for our skin
Avocado: Avocado is a good source of Vitamin E which helps us from preventing dark circle around our eyes.
Beetroot: Beetroot has silica which is vital for healthy skin, fingernails, ligaments, tendons and bones. Beetroot is virtually fat free and low in calories. It has traces of manganese, potassium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, iron, copper, and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and C.
Shitake Mushrooms: Shitake mushroom is very good for healthy skin and reduces signs of ageing.
Lemon : Lemon has high content of Vitamin C and is great for blemishes and healing of the skin.
Radish: Radishes are rich in sulphur, which is essential for youthful skin.Lettuce:
Lettuce is good for fighting acne and to promote smooth healthy skin. It is a good source of vitamin C.
Don't forget to drink water, which is very essential in keeping our skin hydrated.
Essential food to keep skin great
on Monday, June 30
Essential food to keep skin great
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Kulfi - Indian Recipe
on Wednesday, June 25
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Kulfi (Indian Ice-Cream)
6 cups creamy milk
9 cardamoms
2/3 cup sugar
1/4 cup chopped/sliced almond
flakes of almond
cardamom seed
1 Add Cardamom to milk and bring it to boil.
2 Reduce the heat and keep simmering the milk until it is reduced by one-third.
3 Take cardamom out of milk by using strainer.
4 Add almond and sugar.
5 Pour the mixture into container with lid.
6 Freeze until firm. Stir the mixture every 30 minutes.
7 Remove from freezer 10 minutes before serving.
8 Serve by taking out of the container. Garnish with almond and cardamom seed as desired
Books and Authors
Books and Authors
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Human Resource
on Monday, June 23
Human Resource
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Tree Design
on Thursday, June 19
Tree Design
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General Tips for reducing weight
Tips for Weight reducing
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Tips on reducing weight
Obesity is the father of all the reduce your tummy you must have proper diet first have a light breakfast with more of fruits and milk.verylittle suger lunch should be few chappaties and vegetables and butter milk small quantity of rice and dal.dinner should be a soup with salads and fruits. all these must be at reguler timings. avoid soda drinks as coke pepsi, fried food, nonveg maida bread butter paneer. very little ghee. no smoking and driking
apart from this 30 minutes of brisk walk ad one hour of pranayam and yoga and you will never fall sick
Okay here are mine!
~Avoid potatoe chips, fries, and McDonalds!
~Also avoid red meat, eat fish or chicken( not fried)
~Drink Green Tea!^^
~Don't drink soda, even if it is "diet." It conains artificial sweetners that make you gain weight! If you like it sweet, drink tea with honey!
~Exercise!!! Run or walk for 30 mins or more a day
~Get to bed early, it helps your metabolism charge
~Be positive, being happy burns lots of calories!
Out of these seven exerciser's which exercise shows the best results on toning up and weight lose?
1. Cardio
2. Yoga
3. Treadmill
4. Running
5. Crunches
6. Exercise tape
7. Other ( if other which exercise is it )
Obesity is the father of all the reduce your tummy you must have proper diet first have a light breakfast with more of fruits and milk.verylittle suger lunch should be few chappaties and vegetables and butter milk small quantity of rice and dal.dinner should be a soup with salads and fruits. all these must be at reguler timings. avoid soda drinks as coke pepsi, fried food, nonveg maida bread butter paneer. very little ghee. no smoking and driking
apart from this 30 minutes of brisk walk ad one hour of pranayam and yoga and you will never fall sick
Okay here are mine!
~Avoid potatoe chips, fries, and McDonalds!
~Also avoid red meat, eat fish or chicken( not fried)
~Drink Green Tea!^^
~Don't drink soda, even if it is "diet." It conains artificial sweetners that make you gain weight! If you like it sweet, drink tea with honey!
~Exercise!!! Run or walk for 30 mins or more a day
~Get to bed early, it helps your metabolism charge
~Be positive, being happy burns lots of calories!
Out of these seven exerciser's which exercise shows the best results on toning up and weight lose?
1. Cardio
2. Yoga
3. Treadmill
4. Running
5. Crunches
6. Exercise tape
7. Other ( if other which exercise is it )
Beauty Tips from Home
on Tuesday, June 17
Beauty Tips from Home
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Keep the face clean. Steam it and scrub little with soap and water. Then apply an oatmeal paste.
Boil some oatmeal in a little water. Cool it and add some lemon juice and mix it well. Apply on the face.
Make a lotion with equal parts of lime juice, almond oil and glycerine and apply on the face. It not only cures blackheads but the discolouring spots on the face too.
Beat an egg white stiff. Add 1 tsp honey and with a cotton swab apply on the face and leave for half an hour. Rinse with warm water and pat it dry.
Cleansing the skin :
Dip a piece of cotton wool in unboiled milk and wipe on the face with it. It also cleans unseen dirt and goes down to pores.
Preventing wrinkles :Application of pure castor oil prevents wrinkles and softens the skin. This slows down the aging process also
* Oatmeal mixed with yogurt is a good facial cleanser.
* Make a paste of Kastoori Manjal (Available in Kerala Ayurvedic Shops. Botanical name - Curcumaaromatica ) and Bengalgram flour (Besan) to wash face. See the results and you will stop using soaps.
Healthy Cocktails
For chronic fatigue and tiredness:
Prepare a mix of juice of 1 orange, juice of 1/4 grapefruit and juice of 1/4 of lemon with skin.
Prepare a cocktail from a bunch of parsley, celery, 1 piece of garlic and 4 carrots.
This cocktail will tone you up: mix the juice of 6 carrots, 1/2 beet and 3 bunches of parsley.
For a common cold:
Prepare a cocktail from the juice of 1 orange, 1/2 lemon with skin and 1/4 glass of mineral water.
Another recipe: mix the juice of 5 carrots, 1 apple and a piece of ginger.
To strengthen your immune system:
Make a cocktail from the juice of a few slices of pineapple and a couple pieces of celery.
Try a mix of the juice of 1/2 tomato, 1/4 cabbage and a big bunche of celery.
Prepare a cocktail from the juice of 5 carrots, 1 apple and a bunch of parsley.
To support your eyesight: Mix the juice of 6 carrots and 1/4 cabbage.
More cocktails:
A mix of Brussel sprouts, carrot, lettuce and kidney bean juices will help to restore the pancreas function, which is very important if you have diabetes.
A mix of cabbage and carrot juices will restore your stomach mucous membrane. Also, it will cleanse your body and help you lose weight.
A mix of raw potato, carrot and celery juices will help with digestion and nervous disorders.
A mix of beet and carrot juices will improve your memory, enlarge your blood vessels and stimulate the formation of red blood corpuscles.
Raw tomato juice stimulates the formation of stomach juice and improves heart activity. If you mix tomato juice with apple juice, pumpkin juice and lemon juice ( 2:4:2:1 ), it will help you lose weight.
A mix of carrot, beet and cucumber juices is a great remedy for cleansing your liver, gall bladder and prostate gland.
Drink 1/2 glass of carrot juice 2-3 times a day, if you had a heart attack.
A mix of carrot juice with honey will help men with impotency.
Drink a mix of carrot and potato juices daily before breakfast, if you have a stomach ulcer.
Mix 1 glass of carrot juice, the juice of 1 lemon, 1 glass of horseradish juice and 1 glass of honey. Take 1 table spoon 3 times a day 1 hour before each meal and then 1 table spoon of the mix 2-3 hours after each meal. It will help with high blood pressure.
Fruits for Healthy and Beautiful Skin
By Richard Jason Rockefeller
Healthy and beautiful skin is an essential part of our overall well- being. However, since every product available in the market spells dollars and depleting financial resources, I compiled some effective natural aids for your skin that will not force you to shell out cash.
The beauty of this is that you can have your own beauty products from the stuff you can find in your kitchen, fridge and garden.
Here are some of those:
Apple juice makes an excellent remedy for fine wrinkles, cracked skin, itching and inflammation and dandruff. Use as a final rinse after shampooing your hair.
Apricots The fresh juice of apricots is good for sunburn, itching and eczema.
Avocado can be used as effective facial mask.
Banana can be made into an effective and inexpensive facial mask. Cucumber is good for treating skin eruptions and bulges and for whitening skin. It can also prevent pimples, wrinkles, blackheads and dryness of the face.
Guava boiled leaves can be used as natural antiseptic
Lime Juice is a very important natural aid for beautiful skin. This treatment will help you look young and beautiful. It will also help cure pimples. It is also known to help in controlling oily skin, improve a dull and greasy complexion, improve rough and dry skin, relieve tired eyes and remove freckles
Mango leaves can be boiled and be used as antiseptic.
Orange juice paste can be an effective remedy for pimples and acne. It can also be used for scar and blemish removal.
Papaya orange and green papaya are used to remove whiteheads, boils and spots. It also the papain enzyme that is effective in skin whitening.
Peach The skin of peach is said to be useful in improving complexion. It can also be made into an anti-wrinkle.
Pineapple are good skin softeners which cleanse and rejuvenate dull and dry skin, especially for classic rough skin spots like knees, elbows, and heels.
Pomegranate The paste of roasted and powdered pomegranate skin is good in treating boils, pimples, blackheads and whiteheads.
Strawberry Strawberry can be used for conditioning and skin toning treatment. They are rich in salicylic acid, an ingredient found in many commercial acne creams and thus are the best treatment for troubled or teenage skin.
Boil some oatmeal in a little water. Cool it and add some lemon juice and mix it well. Apply on the face.
Make a lotion with equal parts of lime juice, almond oil and glycerine and apply on the face. It not only cures blackheads but the discolouring spots on the face too.
Beat an egg white stiff. Add 1 tsp honey and with a cotton swab apply on the face and leave for half an hour. Rinse with warm water and pat it dry.
Cleansing the skin :
Dip a piece of cotton wool in unboiled milk and wipe on the face with it. It also cleans unseen dirt and goes down to pores.
Preventing wrinkles :Application of pure castor oil prevents wrinkles and softens the skin. This slows down the aging process also
* Oatmeal mixed with yogurt is a good facial cleanser.
* Make a paste of Kastoori Manjal (Available in Kerala Ayurvedic Shops. Botanical name - Curcumaaromatica ) and Bengalgram flour (Besan) to wash face. See the results and you will stop using soaps.
Healthy Cocktails
For chronic fatigue and tiredness:
Prepare a mix of juice of 1 orange, juice of 1/4 grapefruit and juice of 1/4 of lemon with skin.
Prepare a cocktail from a bunch of parsley, celery, 1 piece of garlic and 4 carrots.
This cocktail will tone you up: mix the juice of 6 carrots, 1/2 beet and 3 bunches of parsley.
For a common cold:
Prepare a cocktail from the juice of 1 orange, 1/2 lemon with skin and 1/4 glass of mineral water.
Another recipe: mix the juice of 5 carrots, 1 apple and a piece of ginger.
To strengthen your immune system:
Make a cocktail from the juice of a few slices of pineapple and a couple pieces of celery.
Try a mix of the juice of 1/2 tomato, 1/4 cabbage and a big bunche of celery.
Prepare a cocktail from the juice of 5 carrots, 1 apple and a bunch of parsley.
To support your eyesight: Mix the juice of 6 carrots and 1/4 cabbage.
More cocktails:
A mix of Brussel sprouts, carrot, lettuce and kidney bean juices will help to restore the pancreas function, which is very important if you have diabetes.
A mix of cabbage and carrot juices will restore your stomach mucous membrane. Also, it will cleanse your body and help you lose weight.
A mix of raw potato, carrot and celery juices will help with digestion and nervous disorders.
A mix of beet and carrot juices will improve your memory, enlarge your blood vessels and stimulate the formation of red blood corpuscles.
Raw tomato juice stimulates the formation of stomach juice and improves heart activity. If you mix tomato juice with apple juice, pumpkin juice and lemon juice ( 2:4:2:1 ), it will help you lose weight.
A mix of carrot, beet and cucumber juices is a great remedy for cleansing your liver, gall bladder and prostate gland.
Drink 1/2 glass of carrot juice 2-3 times a day, if you had a heart attack.
A mix of carrot juice with honey will help men with impotency.
Drink a mix of carrot and potato juices daily before breakfast, if you have a stomach ulcer.
Mix 1 glass of carrot juice, the juice of 1 lemon, 1 glass of horseradish juice and 1 glass of honey. Take 1 table spoon 3 times a day 1 hour before each meal and then 1 table spoon of the mix 2-3 hours after each meal. It will help with high blood pressure.
Fruits for Healthy and Beautiful Skin
By Richard Jason Rockefeller
Healthy and beautiful skin is an essential part of our overall well- being. However, since every product available in the market spells dollars and depleting financial resources, I compiled some effective natural aids for your skin that will not force you to shell out cash.
The beauty of this is that you can have your own beauty products from the stuff you can find in your kitchen, fridge and garden.
Here are some of those:
Apple juice makes an excellent remedy for fine wrinkles, cracked skin, itching and inflammation and dandruff. Use as a final rinse after shampooing your hair.
Apricots The fresh juice of apricots is good for sunburn, itching and eczema.
Avocado can be used as effective facial mask.
Banana can be made into an effective and inexpensive facial mask. Cucumber is good for treating skin eruptions and bulges and for whitening skin. It can also prevent pimples, wrinkles, blackheads and dryness of the face.
Guava boiled leaves can be used as natural antiseptic
Lime Juice is a very important natural aid for beautiful skin. This treatment will help you look young and beautiful. It will also help cure pimples. It is also known to help in controlling oily skin, improve a dull and greasy complexion, improve rough and dry skin, relieve tired eyes and remove freckles
Mango leaves can be boiled and be used as antiseptic.
Orange juice paste can be an effective remedy for pimples and acne. It can also be used for scar and blemish removal.
Papaya orange and green papaya are used to remove whiteheads, boils and spots. It also the papain enzyme that is effective in skin whitening.
Peach The skin of peach is said to be useful in improving complexion. It can also be made into an anti-wrinkle.
Pineapple are good skin softeners which cleanse and rejuvenate dull and dry skin, especially for classic rough skin spots like knees, elbows, and heels.
Pomegranate The paste of roasted and powdered pomegranate skin is good in treating boils, pimples, blackheads and whiteheads.
Strawberry Strawberry can be used for conditioning and skin toning treatment. They are rich in salicylic acid, an ingredient found in many commercial acne creams and thus are the best treatment for troubled or teenage skin.
Songs - Hindi
on Monday, June 16
Songs - Hindi
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CHORUS: Krishna Ni Bhe Gha-Ni, Baroo !
Krishna Ni Bhe Gha-Ni, Baroo !
Darkness coming around,
And every body fight with the brother
Every body wants control,
Don't hesitate to kill one-another
So come back as Jesus
Come back and save the world
Bless all the future of every boy and girl
Come back as Rama,
Forgive us for what we've done
Come back as Allah,
Come back as anyone
CHORUS: .......
Religion is the reason,
The world is breaking up into pieces
Colour of the people,
Keeps us locked in hate please release us
So Come down and help us,
Save all the little ones
They need a teacher,
And you are the only one
We can't rely on,
To build a better world
A world that's for children,
A world that's for everyone
Time is healer, and time moves on
Time don't wait for any one
So, Tell me you'll be back
But that will take some time
I waiting ////...... (with interlude)
I'm waiting, yeah yeah......
Come back as Jesus
Come back and save the world
We need a teacher,
and You are the only one
Come back as Rama
Forgive us for what we've done
Come back as Allah
Come back for every one.......
Govinda Guruhari Gopala hu.....//////////// (Fade)
Tanha Dil - Shaan
Aankhon mein sapne liye
Ghar se hum chal to diye
Jaane yeh raahein ab le jaayengi kahan
Mitti ki khushboo aaye
Palkon pe aansu laaye
Palkon pe reh jaayega yaadon ke jahan
Manzil nayi hai anjaana hai kaarvaan
Chalna akele hai yahan
(Tanha dil, tanha safar
Dhoonde tujhe phir kyoon nazar) - 2
Tanha dil
Dilkash nazaarein dekhe
Jhilmil sitaarein dekhe
Aankhon mein phir bhi tera chehra hai jawaan
Kitni barsaatein aayi, kitni saugaatein laayi
Kaanon mein phir bhi goonje teri hi sada
Maane kiye the apna hoga aashiyaan
Vaadon ka jaane hoga kya
(Tanha dil, tanha safar
Dhoonde tujhe phir kyoon nazar) - 2
Tanha dil
Tanha dil
Aankhon mein sapne liye
Ghar se hum chal to diye
Jaane yeh raahein ab le jaayengi kahan
Mitti ki khushboo aaye
Palkon pe aansu laaye
Palkon pe reh jaayega yaadon ke jahan
Manzil nayi hai anjaana hai kaarvaan
Chalna akele hai yahan
(Tanha dil, tanha safar
Dhoonde tujhe phir kyoon nazar) - 2
Tanha dil, tanha dil, tanha dil
Tanha dil, tanha dil
Choodi Jo Khanki, Haathon Mein
Yaad Piya Ki Aane Lagi
Haye Bheegi Bheegi Raaton Mein...
Thandi Thandi Pawan Chali
Tan Man Mein Haye Aag Lage
Tere Pyar Ke Chingari
Ang Ang Mein Haye Mere Jale
Rhim Jhim Si, Barsaaton Mein
Haye, Rhim Jhim Si Barsaaton Mein
Yaad Piya Ki Aane Lagi
Haye Bheegi Bheegi Raaton Mein...
Ab Ke Baras Haye Yeh Saawan
Jaan Na Meri Le Jaye
Dhak Dhak Mora Jiya Kare
Tan Se Chunar Jab Udh Jaye
Bole Jo Koyal Baagon Mein
Haye, Bole Jo Koyal Baagon Mein
Yaad Piya Ki Aane Lagi
Haye Bheegi Bheegi Raaton Mein...
Do dil mil rahe hai
Do dil mil rahe hai, magar chupke chupke - 2
Sab ko ho rahi hai, haan sab ko ho rahi hai
Khabar chupke chupke, ho
Do dil mil rahe hai, magar chupke chupke
Saanson mein badi beqaraari
Aankhon mein kayi rat jage
Kabhi kahin lag jaaye dil to
Kahin phir dil naa lage
Apna dil main zara thaam loon
Jadoo ka main isse naam doon
Jadoo kar raha hai, jadoo kar raha hai
Asar chupke chupke
Do dil mil rahe hai, magar chupke chupke
Aise bhole bankar hai baithe
Jaise koi baat nahin
Sab kuch nazar aa raha hai
Din hai yeh raat nahin
Kya hai kuch bhi nahin hai agar
Honton pe hai khamoshi magar
Baatein kar rahi hai, baatein kar rahi hai
Nazar chupke chupke
Do dil mil rahe hai, magar chupke chupke
Kahin aag lagne se pehle
Uthtaa hai aisa dhuaan
Jaisa hai idhar ka nazaara, oh
Vaisa hi udhar ka samaa
Dil mein kaisi kasak si jagi
Dono jaanib barabar lagi
Dekho to idhar se, dekho to idhar se
Udhar chupke chupke
Do dil mil rahe hai, magar chupke chupke
Sab ko ho rahi hai, haan sab ko ho rahi hai
Khabar chupke chupke, ho
Do dil mil rahe hai, magar chupke chupke
Magar chupke chupke, magar chupke chupke
Mm hm, chupke chupke, ah ha, chupke chupke
Krishna Ni Bhe Gha-Ni, Baroo !
Darkness coming around,
And every body fight with the brother
Every body wants control,
Don't hesitate to kill one-another
So come back as Jesus
Come back and save the world
Bless all the future of every boy and girl
Come back as Rama,
Forgive us for what we've done
Come back as Allah,
Come back as anyone
CHORUS: .......
Religion is the reason,
The world is breaking up into pieces
Colour of the people,
Keeps us locked in hate please release us
So Come down and help us,
Save all the little ones
They need a teacher,
And you are the only one
We can't rely on,
To build a better world
A world that's for children,
A world that's for everyone
Time is healer, and time moves on
Time don't wait for any one
So, Tell me you'll be back
But that will take some time
I waiting ////...... (with interlude)
I'm waiting, yeah yeah......
Come back as Jesus
Come back and save the world
We need a teacher,
and You are the only one
Come back as Rama
Forgive us for what we've done
Come back as Allah
Come back for every one.......
Govinda Guruhari Gopala hu.....//////////// (Fade)
Tanha Dil - Shaan
Aankhon mein sapne liye
Ghar se hum chal to diye
Jaane yeh raahein ab le jaayengi kahan
Mitti ki khushboo aaye
Palkon pe aansu laaye
Palkon pe reh jaayega yaadon ke jahan
Manzil nayi hai anjaana hai kaarvaan
Chalna akele hai yahan
(Tanha dil, tanha safar
Dhoonde tujhe phir kyoon nazar) - 2
Tanha dil
Dilkash nazaarein dekhe
Jhilmil sitaarein dekhe
Aankhon mein phir bhi tera chehra hai jawaan
Kitni barsaatein aayi, kitni saugaatein laayi
Kaanon mein phir bhi goonje teri hi sada
Maane kiye the apna hoga aashiyaan
Vaadon ka jaane hoga kya
(Tanha dil, tanha safar
Dhoonde tujhe phir kyoon nazar) - 2
Tanha dil
Tanha dil
Aankhon mein sapne liye
Ghar se hum chal to diye
Jaane yeh raahein ab le jaayengi kahan
Mitti ki khushboo aaye
Palkon pe aansu laaye
Palkon pe reh jaayega yaadon ke jahan
Manzil nayi hai anjaana hai kaarvaan
Chalna akele hai yahan
(Tanha dil, tanha safar
Dhoonde tujhe phir kyoon nazar) - 2
Tanha dil, tanha dil, tanha dil
Tanha dil, tanha dil
Choodi Jo Khanki, Haathon Mein
Yaad Piya Ki Aane Lagi
Haye Bheegi Bheegi Raaton Mein...
Thandi Thandi Pawan Chali
Tan Man Mein Haye Aag Lage
Tere Pyar Ke Chingari
Ang Ang Mein Haye Mere Jale
Rhim Jhim Si, Barsaaton Mein
Haye, Rhim Jhim Si Barsaaton Mein
Yaad Piya Ki Aane Lagi
Haye Bheegi Bheegi Raaton Mein...
Ab Ke Baras Haye Yeh Saawan
Jaan Na Meri Le Jaye
Dhak Dhak Mora Jiya Kare
Tan Se Chunar Jab Udh Jaye
Bole Jo Koyal Baagon Mein
Haye, Bole Jo Koyal Baagon Mein
Yaad Piya Ki Aane Lagi
Haye Bheegi Bheegi Raaton Mein...
Do dil mil rahe hai
Do dil mil rahe hai, magar chupke chupke - 2
Sab ko ho rahi hai, haan sab ko ho rahi hai
Khabar chupke chupke, ho
Do dil mil rahe hai, magar chupke chupke
Saanson mein badi beqaraari
Aankhon mein kayi rat jage
Kabhi kahin lag jaaye dil to
Kahin phir dil naa lage
Apna dil main zara thaam loon
Jadoo ka main isse naam doon
Jadoo kar raha hai, jadoo kar raha hai
Asar chupke chupke
Do dil mil rahe hai, magar chupke chupke
Aise bhole bankar hai baithe
Jaise koi baat nahin
Sab kuch nazar aa raha hai
Din hai yeh raat nahin
Kya hai kuch bhi nahin hai agar
Honton pe hai khamoshi magar
Baatein kar rahi hai, baatein kar rahi hai
Nazar chupke chupke
Do dil mil rahe hai, magar chupke chupke
Kahin aag lagne se pehle
Uthtaa hai aisa dhuaan
Jaisa hai idhar ka nazaara, oh
Vaisa hi udhar ka samaa
Dil mein kaisi kasak si jagi
Dono jaanib barabar lagi
Dekho to idhar se, dekho to idhar se
Udhar chupke chupke
Do dil mil rahe hai, magar chupke chupke
Sab ko ho rahi hai, haan sab ko ho rahi hai
Khabar chupke chupke, ho
Do dil mil rahe hai, magar chupke chupke
Magar chupke chupke, magar chupke chupke
Mm hm, chupke chupke, ah ha, chupke chupke
Yoga for Weight Loss
Yoga for weight loss
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Yoga works in a unique way. Yogic asanas tone up the body by penetrating deep into each tissue and muscle which general exercises cannot achieve. Yoga will help you change the functioning of your entire system, lose weight and build a healthy muscle tone.
Exercise 1
· Lie on back, body straight
· Slowly raise legs to 90 degrees, foot flat, toes in and hold for 15 -20 seconds.
· Slowly lower the legs to starting position.
· Repeat 10 times.
Exercise 2
· Lie on back, bend knees as shown.
· Interlock hands behind head, keeping elbows close to head.
· Lift up exhaling, hold for 15-20 seconds breathing normally.
· Come back to starting position.
· Repeat 10 - 20 times
Exercise 3
· Lie on back and bend knees, interlock legs, position as shown.
· Interlock hands behind head.
· Exhale as you lift up, hold for count of 15-20 breathing normally.
· Come back to starting position.
· Repeat 10-20 times.
Exercise 4
· Lie on back, legs at 90 degrees, feet interlocked as shown.
· Interlock hands behind head, raise upper body exhaling as you come up.
· Hold for count of 15-20, breathing normal.
· Inhale as you go back to starting position.
· Repeat 10 – 20 times.
Exercise 1
· Lie on back.
· Raise upper body, arms and legs, exhaling as you come up.
· Hold the position for a count of 15- 20, breathing normal.
· Inhale as you come back to starting position.
Exercise 2
· Lie on back with arms stretched above your head. Inhale
· Raise one leg, upper body with arms stretched out as shown.
· Hold for 15-20 seconds, breathing normal.
· Inhale as you come back to start position.
· Repeat with other leg.
Exercise 3
· Lie on back, hands interlocked behind head.
· Bring legs to 90 degrees, bend knees.
· Keep leg position fixed. Raise your upper body to meet your knees,
· Hold, breathing normal.
· Inhale as you come back to start position.
Exercise 4
· Lie on back, legs wide apart.
· Exhale, raise both arms and legs.
· Hold, come back to start position.
Exercise 5
· Lie flat on stomach, legs straight, feet together, soles of feet uppermost.
· Place palms below and to side of shoulders, forehead on floor.
· Inhale as you slowly stretch the upper body upwards.
· Straighten arms and arch the back as shown
· Hold 20 -30 seconds breathing normal.
· Breathe out as you slowly return to starting position.
Exercise 6
· Lie on back. Fold your knees, place feet near hips.
· Place palms underneath shoulders, finger pointing towards feet.
· Raise hips and arch your back, shifting your weight onto your hands.
· Push up and raise your head and upper body as far as you can.
· Hold for 10-30 seconds then slowly lower the body to starting position.
Exercise 7
· Stand on knees, knees a little apart.
· Reach back for heel with the same hand and then reach for the other heel with the other hand.
· Push your hips forward and drop your neck back.
· Drop the head back and arch back, pushing hips forward.
· Hold for a few seconds breathing normally
· Slowly resume starting position.
Exercise 8
· Lie on your stomach, arms beside you.
· Bend your knees and catch hold of your ankles.
· Push feet away from head and raise your upper body as shown.
· Hold for a few seconds – breathing normally.
· Exhale as you lower your body.
Stretching the Leg Muscles
Yesterday we contracted the leg muscles to increase muscle strength, tone muscles and eliminate fat. Contractions can leave sore muscles and so it is important to now do some asanas that stretch and relax these muscles. These asanas specifically affect the hamstrings, quadriceps and calf muscles. Contracting and stretching these regularly will tone and shape your legs, improve your figure and make your body swift and agile.
Exercise 1
· Sit with your legs stretched out, feet together
· Exhale and bend forward from your hips.
· Hold your toes or heels, touch your forehead to your knees and hold 30-60 seconds.
· Inhale slowly as you raise your arms over your head and return to starting position.
Exercise 2
· Sitting, bend the right leg so that the heel touches the groin area.
· Inhale slowly stretching both arms up over head.
· Exhale slowly as you bend forward. Interlock the fingers and hold your heel.
· Place your forehead, chest and abdomen on the thighs and hold 30-60 seconds breathing normally.
· Inhale slowly as you stretch your arms up and return to starting position
· Repeat on the other side.
Exercise 3
· Sit between your heels.
· Holding the heels, lean backwards and place your elbows on the floor with the head and neck stretched backwards.
· Place your palms on the soles of your feet as shown.
· Hold for 10-30 seconds.
· Place palms on floor, press down and slowly return to start position.
Exercise 4
· From position above, slowly straighten your elbows and lie down on floor.
· Try and keep knees together, place your palms on thighs and hold 30-60 seconds.
· Hold your heels, pushing down on elbows, move up. Press palms down on floor and slowly come up and return to start position.
Exercise 1
· Stand straight with feet together, both arms stretched out, palms down.
· Slowly raise one leg up, toes pointed forward.
· Hold 10 – 30 seconds.
· Repeat with other leg.
Exercise 2
· Stand straight with feet together.
· Raise arms so parallel to ground, palms down.
· Bend the knees and raise heels as shown.
· Hold for 10 - 30 seconds.
· Resume starting position.
Exercise 3
· Stand with legs wide apart, feet turned out.
· Bend knees, keep back straight and stretch both arms straight above the head, palms together.
· Hold the posture for 10 – 30 seconds.
Exercise 4
· Standing, twist right leg around the left.
· Bend elbows, twist forearms around each other with left elbow below, palms together.
· Bend the left knee and lower body keeping eyes focused on a fixed point.
· Hold for a few seconds and then raise the body and release legs
· Repeat with left leg and left arm.
Exercise 5
· Stand with feet apart as shown.
· Interlock hands behind head.
· Bend the knees
· Keeping back straight, pulse up and down 10-20 times
Exercise 6
· Stand with legs wide apart, feet turned out.
· Bend knees, keep back straight.
· Stretch both arms straight above the head. Join palms together.
· Lift the heels and keeping lifted, pulse up and down 10 – 20 times.
Exercise 7
· Stand with feet apart, arms above your head, palms together.
· Turn to the left placing left foot 4-5 feet in front of right foot, toes pointed forward.
· Bend the left knee as shown, bend backwards and look up.
· Hold for 10 – 30 seconds.
· Repeat with other leg.
Yoga works in a unique way. Yogic asanas tone up the body by penetrating deep into each tissue and muscle which general exercises cannot achieve. Yoga will help you change the functioning of your entire system, lose weight and build a healthy muscle tone.
Exercise 1
· Lie on back, body straight
· Slowly raise legs to 90 degrees, foot flat, toes in and hold for 15 -20 seconds.
· Slowly lower the legs to starting position.
· Repeat 10 times.
Exercise 2
· Lie on back, bend knees as shown.
· Interlock hands behind head, keeping elbows close to head.
· Lift up exhaling, hold for 15-20 seconds breathing normally.
· Come back to starting position.
· Repeat 10 - 20 times
Exercise 3
· Lie on back and bend knees, interlock legs, position as shown.
· Interlock hands behind head.
· Exhale as you lift up, hold for count of 15-20 breathing normally.
· Come back to starting position.
· Repeat 10-20 times.
Exercise 4
· Lie on back, legs at 90 degrees, feet interlocked as shown.
· Interlock hands behind head, raise upper body exhaling as you come up.
· Hold for count of 15-20, breathing normal.
· Inhale as you go back to starting position.
· Repeat 10 – 20 times.
Exercise 1
· Lie on back.
· Raise upper body, arms and legs, exhaling as you come up.
· Hold the position for a count of 15- 20, breathing normal.
· Inhale as you come back to starting position.
Exercise 2
· Lie on back with arms stretched above your head. Inhale
· Raise one leg, upper body with arms stretched out as shown.
· Hold for 15-20 seconds, breathing normal.
· Inhale as you come back to start position.
· Repeat with other leg.
Exercise 3
· Lie on back, hands interlocked behind head.
· Bring legs to 90 degrees, bend knees.
· Keep leg position fixed. Raise your upper body to meet your knees,
· Hold, breathing normal.
· Inhale as you come back to start position.
Exercise 4
· Lie on back, legs wide apart.
· Exhale, raise both arms and legs.
· Hold, come back to start position.
Exercise 5
· Lie flat on stomach, legs straight, feet together, soles of feet uppermost.
· Place palms below and to side of shoulders, forehead on floor.
· Inhale as you slowly stretch the upper body upwards.
· Straighten arms and arch the back as shown
· Hold 20 -30 seconds breathing normal.
· Breathe out as you slowly return to starting position.
Exercise 6
· Lie on back. Fold your knees, place feet near hips.
· Place palms underneath shoulders, finger pointing towards feet.
· Raise hips and arch your back, shifting your weight onto your hands.
· Push up and raise your head and upper body as far as you can.
· Hold for 10-30 seconds then slowly lower the body to starting position.
Exercise 7
· Stand on knees, knees a little apart.
· Reach back for heel with the same hand and then reach for the other heel with the other hand.
· Push your hips forward and drop your neck back.
· Drop the head back and arch back, pushing hips forward.
· Hold for a few seconds breathing normally
· Slowly resume starting position.
Exercise 8
· Lie on your stomach, arms beside you.
· Bend your knees and catch hold of your ankles.
· Push feet away from head and raise your upper body as shown.
· Hold for a few seconds – breathing normally.
· Exhale as you lower your body.
Stretching the Leg Muscles
Yesterday we contracted the leg muscles to increase muscle strength, tone muscles and eliminate fat. Contractions can leave sore muscles and so it is important to now do some asanas that stretch and relax these muscles. These asanas specifically affect the hamstrings, quadriceps and calf muscles. Contracting and stretching these regularly will tone and shape your legs, improve your figure and make your body swift and agile.
Exercise 1
· Sit with your legs stretched out, feet together
· Exhale and bend forward from your hips.
· Hold your toes or heels, touch your forehead to your knees and hold 30-60 seconds.
· Inhale slowly as you raise your arms over your head and return to starting position.
Exercise 2
· Sitting, bend the right leg so that the heel touches the groin area.
· Inhale slowly stretching both arms up over head.
· Exhale slowly as you bend forward. Interlock the fingers and hold your heel.
· Place your forehead, chest and abdomen on the thighs and hold 30-60 seconds breathing normally.
· Inhale slowly as you stretch your arms up and return to starting position
· Repeat on the other side.
Exercise 3
· Sit between your heels.
· Holding the heels, lean backwards and place your elbows on the floor with the head and neck stretched backwards.
· Place your palms on the soles of your feet as shown.
· Hold for 10-30 seconds.
· Place palms on floor, press down and slowly return to start position.
Exercise 4
· From position above, slowly straighten your elbows and lie down on floor.
· Try and keep knees together, place your palms on thighs and hold 30-60 seconds.
· Hold your heels, pushing down on elbows, move up. Press palms down on floor and slowly come up and return to start position.
Exercise 1
· Stand straight with feet together, both arms stretched out, palms down.
· Slowly raise one leg up, toes pointed forward.
· Hold 10 – 30 seconds.
· Repeat with other leg.
Exercise 2
· Stand straight with feet together.
· Raise arms so parallel to ground, palms down.
· Bend the knees and raise heels as shown.
· Hold for 10 - 30 seconds.
· Resume starting position.
Exercise 3
· Stand with legs wide apart, feet turned out.
· Bend knees, keep back straight and stretch both arms straight above the head, palms together.
· Hold the posture for 10 – 30 seconds.
Exercise 4
· Standing, twist right leg around the left.
· Bend elbows, twist forearms around each other with left elbow below, palms together.
· Bend the left knee and lower body keeping eyes focused on a fixed point.
· Hold for a few seconds and then raise the body and release legs
· Repeat with left leg and left arm.
Exercise 5
· Stand with feet apart as shown.
· Interlock hands behind head.
· Bend the knees
· Keeping back straight, pulse up and down 10-20 times
Exercise 6
· Stand with legs wide apart, feet turned out.
· Bend knees, keep back straight.
· Stretch both arms straight above the head. Join palms together.
· Lift the heels and keeping lifted, pulse up and down 10 – 20 times.
Exercise 7
· Stand with feet apart, arms above your head, palms together.
· Turn to the left placing left foot 4-5 feet in front of right foot, toes pointed forward.
· Bend the left knee as shown, bend backwards and look up.
· Hold for 10 – 30 seconds.
· Repeat with other leg.
Beauty Tips 1
Beauty Tips 1
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Blackheads home remedy treatment is quite effective. Following are some Black head cure home remedies. Read on for home remedy for Blackheads:
· In 3-4 cup boiled water, add 2 tsp of soda bicarbonate. Steam a towel with this. Thereafter, place the towel gently on your face. Do it for about 5-6 times. Make a paste by mixing 1 tsp curd and 1 tsp rice flour. Apply the paste on the affected area. After some time, wash your face with cold water.
· Take a pinch of soft portion of glycerin soap and mix with a pinch of table salt. Apply this mixture on the blackheads. Do it for about a week and see the magical results.
· Take about 1 tsp of juice extracted from fresh coriander leaves and add ½ tsp of turmeric powder in it. Apply this mixture while going to bed. Wash your face the next morning with cold water.
· Make a paste by mixing 1 tsp limejuice and 1 tsp of finely powdered cinnamon. Apply it on the affected area before going to bed. Wash it off in the morning.
Home Remedy for Wrinkles
Wrinkle home remedy treatment is quite effective. Following are some Anti Wrinkle cure home remedies:· Application of leftover egg whites at the bottom of the shell to the problematic area serves as an effective home remedy for wrinkles. · For the sagging skin under the eyes or on the throat, apply some odorless castor oil. · Take some coconut oil and massage on the wrinkled skin. · Eat 1 tsp of shredded ginger along with a few drops of honey every morning. · Rub the core of a pineapple all over your face for sometime and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes.
· In 3-4 cup boiled water, add 2 tsp of soda bicarbonate. Steam a towel with this. Thereafter, place the towel gently on your face. Do it for about 5-6 times. Make a paste by mixing 1 tsp curd and 1 tsp rice flour. Apply the paste on the affected area. After some time, wash your face with cold water.
· Take a pinch of soft portion of glycerin soap and mix with a pinch of table salt. Apply this mixture on the blackheads. Do it for about a week and see the magical results.
· Take about 1 tsp of juice extracted from fresh coriander leaves and add ½ tsp of turmeric powder in it. Apply this mixture while going to bed. Wash your face the next morning with cold water.
· Make a paste by mixing 1 tsp limejuice and 1 tsp of finely powdered cinnamon. Apply it on the affected area before going to bed. Wash it off in the morning.
Home Remedy for Wrinkles
Wrinkle home remedy treatment is quite effective. Following are some Anti Wrinkle cure home remedies:· Application of leftover egg whites at the bottom of the shell to the problematic area serves as an effective home remedy for wrinkles. · For the sagging skin under the eyes or on the throat, apply some odorless castor oil. · Take some coconut oil and massage on the wrinkled skin. · Eat 1 tsp of shredded ginger along with a few drops of honey every morning. · Rub the core of a pineapple all over your face for sometime and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes.
ரேசிபெஸ் -1
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A richer version of gulab jamun filled with dry fruits. A great dessert for a buffet presentation.
Preparation Time : 15 mins.
Cooking Time : 45 mins.
Makes 24 pieces.
For the gulab jamuns
2 cups (250 grams) hariali mava (khoya), grated
5 tablespoons plain flour (maida)
1/4 teaspoon cardamom (elaichi) powder or whole cardamom seeds
For the filling
1/4 cup chopped pistachios
1/4 cup chopped almonds
1 tablespoon sugar
a few saffron strands
1/4 teaspoon cardamom (elaichi) powder
For the sugar syrup
3 cups sugar
a few strands saffron (optional)
Other ingredients
ghee for deep frying
For the sugar syrup
1. In a large pan, dissolve the sugar in 1 1/2 cups of hot water and bring to a boil.
2. Simmer over a slow flame till the syrup is of 1 string consistency.
3. Remove any impurities which float on top of the syrup by using a slotted spoon.
4. Add the saffron if desired and keep the syrup warm.
For the gulab jamuns
1. In a bowl, combine all the ingredients, mix well and knead into a firm dough without using any water.
2. Divide the dough into 13 equal portions.
3. Mix one portion of the dough into the ingredients for the filling mixture and divide the filling into 12 equal portions.
4. Press out each dough portion into a circle of 50 mm. (2") and place one portion of the filling mixture in the centre.
5. Seal the filling mixture in the gulab jamun by bringing the sides together in the centre and roll gently to ensure there are no crakcs on the suface.
6. Repeat to make 11 more gulab jamuns.
7. Deep fry in ghee over a slow flame till they are golden brown (approx. 10 to 12 minutes).
8. Drain and transfer into the warm sugar syrup. Soak for at least 30 minutes.
9. Drain after 10 minutes.
10. Cut each meva bati into 2 equal halves and place on a serving plate.
This delicious fudge from South India has a granular texture. Do not be alarmed by the amount of ghee mentioned in the recipe as most of it is drained out at the end of the cooking process.
Cooking Time : 20 mins.
Preparation Time : 10 mins.
Makes 12 pieces.
1/3 cup (50 grams) Bengal gram flour (besan)
1/3 cup (50 grams) plain flour (maida)
1/2 cup melted ghee
3/4 cup (150 grams) sugar
For pouring into the flour mixture
3 cups melted ghee, hot
1. In a bowl, combine the gram flour, plain flour and melted ghee and mix well. Keep aside.
2. In a kadhai, dissolve the sugar in 1/4 cup of water and bring to a boil. Simmer till the syrup is of 1 string consistency.
3. Add the gram flour mixture and mix well, stirring continuously in one direction, over a medium flame.
4. Pour the hot ghee a little at a time (approximately 1/4 cup) from a height so that it trickles in a thin stream in the centre of the Mysore pak mixture.
5. Stir continuously in a circular motion on a low flame. When the ghee is absorbed, the Mysore pak mixture will increase in volume(expand).
6. Stir in one direction (clockwise or anti-clockwise) only. When the mixture settles down a little, pour more hot ghee again and stir in the same manner.
7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 till the entire quantity of 3 cups of ghee has been poured and absorbed by the Mysore pak mixture.
8. Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon of cold water on the Mysore pak. If it is ready, the Mysore pak will sizzle indicating that it is ready to be poured out.
9. Pour the mixture into a tray or thali approximately 100 mm. (4") in diameter. The sides of the thali should be at least 50 mm. (2") high.
10. Allow it to set and harden for about 5 minutes. Then, crack a small hole and drain out all the excess ghee. Approximately 2 to 2 1/2 cups will get drained out.
11. Cut into 12 squares and store in an air-tight container.
If a colander is used instead of the tray or thali to set the Mysore pak.
Keep a bowl under the colander to collect the excess ghee which will drain out automatically.
A richer version of gulab jamun filled with dry fruits. A great dessert for a buffet presentation.
Preparation Time : 15 mins.
Cooking Time : 45 mins.
Makes 24 pieces.
For the gulab jamuns
2 cups (250 grams) hariali mava (khoya), grated
5 tablespoons plain flour (maida)
1/4 teaspoon cardamom (elaichi) powder or whole cardamom seeds
For the filling
1/4 cup chopped pistachios
1/4 cup chopped almonds
1 tablespoon sugar
a few saffron strands
1/4 teaspoon cardamom (elaichi) powder
For the sugar syrup
3 cups sugar
a few strands saffron (optional)
Other ingredients
ghee for deep frying
For the sugar syrup
1. In a large pan, dissolve the sugar in 1 1/2 cups of hot water and bring to a boil.
2. Simmer over a slow flame till the syrup is of 1 string consistency.
3. Remove any impurities which float on top of the syrup by using a slotted spoon.
4. Add the saffron if desired and keep the syrup warm.
For the gulab jamuns
1. In a bowl, combine all the ingredients, mix well and knead into a firm dough without using any water.
2. Divide the dough into 13 equal portions.
3. Mix one portion of the dough into the ingredients for the filling mixture and divide the filling into 12 equal portions.
4. Press out each dough portion into a circle of 50 mm. (2") and place one portion of the filling mixture in the centre.
5. Seal the filling mixture in the gulab jamun by bringing the sides together in the centre and roll gently to ensure there are no crakcs on the suface.
6. Repeat to make 11 more gulab jamuns.
7. Deep fry in ghee over a slow flame till they are golden brown (approx. 10 to 12 minutes).
8. Drain and transfer into the warm sugar syrup. Soak for at least 30 minutes.
9. Drain after 10 minutes.
10. Cut each meva bati into 2 equal halves and place on a serving plate.
This delicious fudge from South India has a granular texture. Do not be alarmed by the amount of ghee mentioned in the recipe as most of it is drained out at the end of the cooking process.
Cooking Time : 20 mins.
Preparation Time : 10 mins.
Makes 12 pieces.
1/3 cup (50 grams) Bengal gram flour (besan)
1/3 cup (50 grams) plain flour (maida)
1/2 cup melted ghee
3/4 cup (150 grams) sugar
For pouring into the flour mixture
3 cups melted ghee, hot
1. In a bowl, combine the gram flour, plain flour and melted ghee and mix well. Keep aside.
2. In a kadhai, dissolve the sugar in 1/4 cup of water and bring to a boil. Simmer till the syrup is of 1 string consistency.
3. Add the gram flour mixture and mix well, stirring continuously in one direction, over a medium flame.
4. Pour the hot ghee a little at a time (approximately 1/4 cup) from a height so that it trickles in a thin stream in the centre of the Mysore pak mixture.
5. Stir continuously in a circular motion on a low flame. When the ghee is absorbed, the Mysore pak mixture will increase in volume(expand).
6. Stir in one direction (clockwise or anti-clockwise) only. When the mixture settles down a little, pour more hot ghee again and stir in the same manner.
7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 till the entire quantity of 3 cups of ghee has been poured and absorbed by the Mysore pak mixture.
8. Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon of cold water on the Mysore pak. If it is ready, the Mysore pak will sizzle indicating that it is ready to be poured out.
9. Pour the mixture into a tray or thali approximately 100 mm. (4") in diameter. The sides of the thali should be at least 50 mm. (2") high.
10. Allow it to set and harden for about 5 minutes. Then, crack a small hole and drain out all the excess ghee. Approximately 2 to 2 1/2 cups will get drained out.
11. Cut into 12 squares and store in an air-tight container.
If a colander is used instead of the tray or thali to set the Mysore pak.
Keep a bowl under the colander to collect the excess ghee which will drain out automatically.
Perseverance can make miracles happen . . .
Perseverance can make miracles happen . . .
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Perseverance can make miracles happen . . .
An eight-year-old child heard her parents talking about her little
brother. All she knew was that he was very sick and they had no money
left. They were moving to a smaller house because they could not
afford to stay in the present house after paying the doctor's bills.
Only a very costly surgery could save him now and there was no one to
loan them the money.
When she heard daddy say to her tearful mother with whispered
desperation, 'Only a miracle can save him now', the child went to her
bedroom and pulled a glass jar from its hiding place in the closet. She
poured all the change out on the floor and counted it carefully.
Clutching the precious jar tightly, she slipped out the back door and
made her way six blocks to the local drug Store. She took a quarter from
her jar and placed it on the glass counter.
"And what do you want?" asked the pharmacist. "It's for my little
brother," the girl answered back. "He's really, really sick and I want
to buy a miracle."
"I beg your pardon?" said the pharmacist. "His name is Andrew and he
has something bad growing inside his head and my daddy says only a
miracle can save him. So how much does a miracle cost?"
"We don't sell miracles here, child. I'm sorry," the pharmacist said,
smiling sadly at the little girl. "Listen, I have the money to pay for
it. If it isn't enough, I can try and get some more. Just tell me how
much it costs." In the shop was a well-dressed customer. He stooped down
and asked the little girl, "What kind of a miracle does you brother
need?" "I don't know," she replied with her eyes welling up. "He's
really sick and mommy says he needs an operation. But my daddy can't pay
for it, so I have brought my savings". "How much do you have?" asked the
man. "One dollar and eleven cents, but I can try and get some more", she
answered barely audibly. "Well, what a coincidence," smiled the man. "A
dollar and eleven
cents the exact price of a miracle for little brothers."
He took her money in one hand and held her hand with the other. He
said, "Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and
meet your parents. Let's see if I have the kind of miracle you
need." That well-dressed man was Dr Carlton Armstrong, a surgeon,
specializing in neuro-surgery. The operation was completed without
charge and it wasn't long before Andrew was home again and doing well.
"That surgery," her mom whispered, "was a real miracle. I wonder how
much it would have cost." The little girl smiled. She knew exactly how
much the miracle cost one dollar and eleven cents ... plus the faith of
a little child . . .
An eight-year-old child heard her parents talking about her little
brother. All she knew was that he was very sick and they had no money
left. They were moving to a smaller house because they could not
afford to stay in the present house after paying the doctor's bills.
Only a very costly surgery could save him now and there was no one to
loan them the money.
When she heard daddy say to her tearful mother with whispered
desperation, 'Only a miracle can save him now', the child went to her
bedroom and pulled a glass jar from its hiding place in the closet. She
poured all the change out on the floor and counted it carefully.
Clutching the precious jar tightly, she slipped out the back door and
made her way six blocks to the local drug Store. She took a quarter from
her jar and placed it on the glass counter.
"And what do you want?" asked the pharmacist. "It's for my little
brother," the girl answered back. "He's really, really sick and I want
to buy a miracle."
"I beg your pardon?" said the pharmacist. "His name is Andrew and he
has something bad growing inside his head and my daddy says only a
miracle can save him. So how much does a miracle cost?"
"We don't sell miracles here, child. I'm sorry," the pharmacist said,
smiling sadly at the little girl. "Listen, I have the money to pay for
it. If it isn't enough, I can try and get some more. Just tell me how
much it costs." In the shop was a well-dressed customer. He stooped down
and asked the little girl, "What kind of a miracle does you brother
need?" "I don't know," she replied with her eyes welling up. "He's
really sick and mommy says he needs an operation. But my daddy can't pay
for it, so I have brought my savings". "How much do you have?" asked the
man. "One dollar and eleven cents, but I can try and get some more", she
answered barely audibly. "Well, what a coincidence," smiled the man. "A
dollar and eleven
cents the exact price of a miracle for little brothers."
He took her money in one hand and held her hand with the other. He
said, "Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and
meet your parents. Let's see if I have the kind of miracle you
need." That well-dressed man was Dr Carlton Armstrong, a surgeon,
specializing in neuro-surgery. The operation was completed without
charge and it wasn't long before Andrew was home again and doing well.
"That surgery," her mom whispered, "was a real miracle. I wonder how
much it would have cost." The little girl smiled. She knew exactly how
much the miracle cost one dollar and eleven cents ... plus the faith of
a little child . . .
ப்ரௌது ரெட் Rose
ப்ரௌது ரெட் Rose
Comments: (0)
The Proud Red Rose . . .
One beautiful spring day a red rose blossomed in a forest. Many kinds of
trees and plants grew there. As the rose looked around, a pine tree nearby
said, "What a beautiful flower. I wish I was that lovely." Another tree
said, "Dear pine, do not be sad, we can not have everything."
The rose turned its head and remarked, "It seems that I am the most
beautiful plant in this forest." A sunflower raised its yellow head and
asked, "Why do you say that? In this forest there are many beautiful plants.
You are just one of them." The red rose replied, "I see everyone looking at
me and admiring me." Then the rose looked at a cactus and said, "Look at
that ugly plant full of thorns!" The pine tree said, "Red rose, what kind of
talk is this? Who can say what beauty is? You have thorns too."
The proud red rose looked angrily at the pine and said, "I thought you had
good taste! You do not know what beauty is at all. You can not compare my
thorns to that of the cactus."
"What a proud flower", thought the trees.
The rose tried to move its roots away from the cactus, but it could not
move. As the days passed, the red rose would look at the cactus and say
insulting things, like: This plant is useless? How sorry I am to be his
The cactus never got upset and he even tried to advise the rose, saying,
"God did not create any form of life without a purpose."
Spring passed, and the weather became very warm. Life became difficult in
the forest, as the plants and animals needed water and no rain fell. The red
rose began to wilt. One day the rose saw sparrows stick their beaks into the
cactus and then fly away, refreshed. This was puzzling, and the red rose
asked the pine tree what the birds were doing. The pine tree explained that
the birds got water from the cactus. "Does it not hurt when they make
holes?" asked the rose.
"Yes, but the cactus does not like to see any birds suffer," replied the
The rose opened its eyes in wonder and said, "The cactus has water?"
"Yes you can also drink from it. The sparrow can bring water to you if you
ask the cactus for help."
The red rose felt too ashamed of its past words and behavior to ask for
water from the cactus, but then it finally did ask the cactus for help. The
cactus kindly agreed and the birds filled their beaks with water and watered
the rose's roots. Thus the rose learned a lesson and never judged anyone by
their appearance again . . .
With Regards
One beautiful spring day a red rose blossomed in a forest. Many kinds of
trees and plants grew there. As the rose looked around, a pine tree nearby
said, "What a beautiful flower. I wish I was that lovely." Another tree
said, "Dear pine, do not be sad, we can not have everything."
The rose turned its head and remarked, "It seems that I am the most
beautiful plant in this forest." A sunflower raised its yellow head and
asked, "Why do you say that? In this forest there are many beautiful plants.
You are just one of them." The red rose replied, "I see everyone looking at
me and admiring me." Then the rose looked at a cactus and said, "Look at
that ugly plant full of thorns!" The pine tree said, "Red rose, what kind of
talk is this? Who can say what beauty is? You have thorns too."
The proud red rose looked angrily at the pine and said, "I thought you had
good taste! You do not know what beauty is at all. You can not compare my
thorns to that of the cactus."
"What a proud flower", thought the trees.
The rose tried to move its roots away from the cactus, but it could not
move. As the days passed, the red rose would look at the cactus and say
insulting things, like: This plant is useless? How sorry I am to be his
The cactus never got upset and he even tried to advise the rose, saying,
"God did not create any form of life without a purpose."
Spring passed, and the weather became very warm. Life became difficult in
the forest, as the plants and animals needed water and no rain fell. The red
rose began to wilt. One day the rose saw sparrows stick their beaks into the
cactus and then fly away, refreshed. This was puzzling, and the red rose
asked the pine tree what the birds were doing. The pine tree explained that
the birds got water from the cactus. "Does it not hurt when they make
holes?" asked the rose.
"Yes, but the cactus does not like to see any birds suffer," replied the
The rose opened its eyes in wonder and said, "The cactus has water?"
"Yes you can also drink from it. The sparrow can bring water to you if you
ask the cactus for help."
The red rose felt too ashamed of its past words and behavior to ask for
water from the cactus, but then it finally did ask the cactus for help. The
cactus kindly agreed and the birds filled their beaks with water and watered
the rose's roots. Thus the rose learned a lesson and never judged anyone by
their appearance again . . .
With Regards