I have recently visited Kerala as a trip with my family members, to Kumarakom. They are having a very interesting business on the waters.The water is not simply like an lake or pond or a river.They are known as Backwaters which cannot be found in all states wherever we have beaches.
Backwaters are a network of lakes,canals and estuaries and deltas of forty-four rivers that drain into the Arabian sea. The backwaters of Kerala are a self supporting eco-system teeming with aquatic life. The canals connect the villages together and are still used for local transport.
The largest backwater stretch in Kerala is the Vembanad Lake which flows through three districts and opens out into the sea at the Kochi Port. The Ashtamudi lake, literally having eight arms, which covers a major portion of Kollam district in the south, is the second largest and is considered the gateway to the backwaters.
Will upload few photos of the interesting houseboats at those backwaters.
Please enjoy them and give a feedback to me.
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