Pooja's personal Details:-
Original Name - Pooja Gautami Umashankar
Date of birth - 25th June
Place of birth - Sri Lanka
Hails from the state of - Karnataka
Mother Tongue - Kannada

Languages Known - Kannada, English and Tamil
Languages Spoken - Kannada, English, Tamil
No. of family members - 4 members
Father's name - Umashanker H.R
Occupation - Group Manager, Tea Estate Division, Hindustan Lever, Valparai.
Education - MBA – Mount Carmel College, Bangalore.
Movie life

Name of first film - Jay Jay
Director/Production - Saran
Co-star - R. Madhavan
Movies just released - Thambi, Pattiyyal

Movies around the corner - Auto, Pori, Thagappansaamy
Ambition - To better myself as a human being as well as an actor.
Hobbies - Reading, listening to music

Favourite actor
Hollywood - Brad Pitt
Indian films - Hrithik Roshan

Favourite actress
Hollywood - Meg Ryan
Indian films - Madhuri Dixit
Favourite music director -AR Rahman

All-time favourite song - Unchained Melodies
Favourite film
Hollywood - My Fair Lady
Indian films - Devdas,Alai Payudhey

Favourite singer
Hollywood - Lionel Richie
Indian films - Shaan,SPB
Clothing styles - Chiffon Sarees,Jeans with a Smart Top
Favourite after-hours haunt - Where ever my friends and I meet
Favorite Cartoon as a kid - Tom and Jerry
Favourite color - Red/White
Food - Sri Lankan
Sports - Volleyball
She, Herself, her thoughts
Her definition of love - Love is the most wonderful feeling God has ever created.
Does she believe in love at first sight? Yes and No!
She is an extremely romantic person
Her dream partner would be extremely God fearing, caring, should love animals, kids and the list goes on and on…
She expect her life partner to BE EVERYTHING!
The place in the world She would like to go to is Colombo
Her mother is her role model
She envy nobody
Her first day of shoot was her most unforgettable day
She was the happiest when she got her MBA Certificate
She would love to meet George Clooney
She dislike disloyalty

Life is a gift given by God and she love it.
My goal in the industry is to do many good films.
Her dream role would be that of village girl
She is a CUPA member

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