Vallarai Improves the activities of brain through bolic acid.
Lahsun (Garlic), Tulsi (Holy Basil) Removes poisonous gas, carbon monoxide and used for Asthma patients.
Apple Use for cancer patients. Apples are cholesterol free, almost fat free and depending on the size, generally less than 125 calories. But they also contain a tremendous amount of the soluble fiber, called pectin, which can trap things like cholesterol and aid in removing it from the body. In turn this removal of cholesterol can help maintain blood pressure. Pectin also can assist in balancing blood sugars.
Keezhanelli The best one to jaundice.
Bitter guard Medicine for sugar complaints.
Bananas It is packed with potassium, full of fiber that comes form pectin and good amounts of Vitamins A, C, B, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin. Great to eat when on the run, banana are a satisfying, healthy snack.
Citrus Lemons, oranges, grapefruits. Each of the rough skinned fruits is packed with Vitamins C, A and B and are wonderful sources of calcium, phosphorus and potassium, as well as the fiber, pectin, Vitamin C does so much good for the body. It fights the cancer causing chemicals, nitrosamines, pumps up the immune system, and help to prevent cardio-vascular disease.
When purchasing oranges, the rule of thumb, is generally the smaller, the sweeter. As for lemons, the juice can be sweetened and be quite tasty. They also add a wonderful flavour to foods, but they are a diuretic and they are so acidic that can damage tooth enamel when eaten as a food.
Grapes Research indicates that the skin and the seed of the grapes both contain cancer fighting, cholesterol lowering natural chemicals known as tannins and polyphenols. Some studies even indicates that dark grapes may be helpful in fighting bacterial infections.
All grapes contains calcium, potassium and zinc and Vitamins A, B and C. They contain a very small percentage of fat and only about 60 calories per cup. Raisins (dried grapes) contain ore sugar, but they have the same nutritional content, plus a bit of iron.
Mangoes This juicy fruit is considered by many to be an excellent blood fortifier because they contain iron. Some people say they naturally help to control body odor. Mangoes contain natural fructose which helps to energize the system and at the same time they help regulate the appetite because they also are a form of fiber, which helps with digestion. However, the most impressive research has shown that one mango can provide a day’s supply of beta-carotene, now believed to be natural, healthy, cancer fighting agent.
Melons Sweet and nutritious melons have a tremendous fiber content and are full of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene boosts the immune system and assists in preventing cancer. Beta-carotene does helps the body in these ways because once it enters the system it immediately converts to Vitamin A.
Papaya Bite for bite, the papaya is one of the most powerfully nutritious foods available. The enzyme papain, which is contained in this tropical fruits, is a powerful digestive aid. Papain also can be responsible for breaking down fats and flushing them through the kidneys. Papayas contains malic acid and citric acid which also assists in cleansing fats from the body.
Papaya contains Vitamin A, C and E, all three of which are antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals in the body. Free radicals are harmful compounds that, in some research have been linked to heart disease, cancer, diabetes and many other serious effects that are often associated with aging. This fruit has a high concentration of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and some manganese.
Pineapple A fresh ripe pineapple is like a healthy candy from nature. It contains bromelain, a enzyme similar to papain. Bromelain is also a digestive aid that assist in flushing toxins from the body. Pineapple is rich in manganese, which is a natural fat burner, and is recognized as a good digestive aid that helps eliminate toxins from the body. Pineapple juice is valuable in tuberculosis.
Patha Gobi (Cabbage) It is one of the most high rated leafy vegetables and a marvelous food. It is an antibiotic food and it possesses anti bacterial powers. It can destroy a variety of bacteria in test tubes, including H.Phlori bacteria, which is now considered as a cause of stomach ulcers. Liberal intake of the fresh juice of Patha Gobi (Cabbage) has thus been found very valuable in both gastric and duodenal ulcers. About 180 ml of this juice should be taken mixed with teaspoon of honey, twice daily in treating these conditions. This juice can be used beneficially in treating some other infectious diseases like obstructive jaundice and bladder infections.
Carrot Is rich in antioxidant beta cardene and other food ingredients. This vegetables is one of the most important infections fighting foods. It is especially valuable in the form of juice, which is a natural solvent for ulcerous and cancerous conditions. It is reistant to infections and does most efficient work in conjuction with the adrenal glands. This juice helps to prevent infections of eyes, throat, tonsils and sinuses as well as of the respiratory organs generally.
Coconut It is near to a perfect diet, as it contains almost all the essential nutrients needed by the human body. The water of the tender green coconut is an anti-bacterial food. This water is valuable in cholera infection. About 250 to 375 ml of this water, mixed with a teaspoon of fresh lime juice, should be given orally to the patient. It rectifies the electrolyte balance and neutralizes the acidosis of the blood. Coconut is also an ancient remedy for expelling all kind of intestinal worms. A table spoon of the freshly ground coconut should be taken at breakfast, followed by 30 to 60 ml of caster oil mixed with 250 to 375 ml of lukewarm Doodh (Milk) after three hours. The process may be repeated till the cure is complete.
Dahi (Curd) An ancient wonder food, Dahi (Curd) or yoghurt is strongly antibacterial. During the process of making Dahi (Curd) bacteria convert Doodh (Milk) into Dahi (Curd), and predigest Doodh (Milk) protein. These bacteria then inhibit the growth of hostile or illness causing bacteria inside the intestinal tract and promote beneficial bacteria needed for digestion.
Buttermilk which has same nutritive and curative values as Dahi (Curd) is prepared by churning Dahi (Curd) and adding some water, removing the fat in the form of Makhan (Butter).
Lahsun (Garlic) A garden vegetable of the onion family, has been cultivated from the immemorial. It is one of natures strongest, antibacterial foods. Tests show that Lahsun (Garlic) kills or cripples at least 72 infections spread by bacteria like diarrhea, dysentery, tuberculosis, encephalitis etc.
Aadrak (Ginger) It is an antibiotic and helps fight infection. It has been used for the centuries to treat many infectious diseases like cholera, diarrhea and chest congestion. Its use has been found especially effective in whooping cough. A teaspoon of the fresh Aadrak (Ginger) juice, mixed with a cup of fenugreek decoction and honey to taste, acts as an expectorant and diaphoretic in this disease.
Honey Contains antibiotic property. It is very beneficial in case of many infectious. For throat infection, gargling with honey water relieves inflammation. This gargle is also an excellent remedy for hoarseness brought about by local infection of the throat. Honey is best medicine for oral ulceration and sore tongue, resulting from fungal or bacterial infection due to poor oral hygiene.
Lemon An anti bacterial food. For throat infection, a ripe unpeeled lemon should be roasted slowly until it begins to crack open. One teaspoon of the juice with a little honey should be taken once every hour. In the alternative, the same juice of the roasted lemon should be mixed in a glass of boiled water and taken flavoured with honey.
Onion Onion is an exceptionally strong antibiotic and antiseptic food. It was used to treat infections in wounded Russian soldiers during World War II. If a person consume one raw onion every day by through mastication, he will be protected from a host of tooth disorder. Chewing raw onion for three minutes is sufficient to kill all the germs in the mouth. The juice extracted from an onion can be used beneficially in the treatment of pus formation in the ear caused by middle ear infection. It should be slightly warm and put into ear two or three times daily in treating this condition.
Health with fruits and vegetables
on Thursday, September 4
Health with fruits and vegetables
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